Barack Obama's Worst Lies

The Democrats didn't forget the Obama administration lies. They just wanted YOU to forget them. So, they flooded the media with "Trump Lies." But Donald Trump telling lies about production, spending or the attendance at a rally should NOT overshadow the Democrat lies that have cost Americans their lives, livelihood, freedom and rights.
  1. Obamacare
    Everyone probably knows that Obama repeatedly lied that Americans could keep their healthcare and doctors under ObamaCare. But they probably have not been told that Obama lied about ObamaCare paying for abortions. Or that our tax dollars pay healthcare for 34 million out of the 35 million people on Obamacare (13 million are receiving government subsidies and 21 million are getting free government healthcare through Medicaid). And they probably do not know that ObamaCare was passed as a LIE. The Democrat Senate removed the 3 pages of House Bill H.R. 3590 titled "Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009" and replaced them with the 2,490 pages of their "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." The Senate returned the Bill to the Democrat House as "AMMENDED." Nancy Pelosi famously said "Let's pass this thing so we can find out what's in it." Barack Obama signed ObamaCare, H.R. 3590, into law in March 2010.
  2. Shovel-Ready Jobs
    Remember Obama’s $831 billion stimulus bill of 2009? He told us the bill supported "shovel-ready jobs" and there were no earmarks in his stimulus package. The king of transparency lied. The bill had over 9,000 earmarks in it; and of course, the money disappeared without even a small improvement in jobs or our economy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the United States lost more than 1.2 million jobs after Obama came to office.
  3. Uranium One
    Hillary Clinton arranged for Canadian friend Frank Gustra to meet with the president of Kazakhstan and buy 3 of his uranium mines. Gustra later sold those mines to friend Ian Telfer's company, Uranium One, for $3.1 million. After Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 to pitch Uranium One at the Kremlin, Russia became interested in Uranium One eventually buying it in a $1.3 Billion deal. This deal gave Russia control of over 20% of U.S. uranium production. More than $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from Frank Gustra and Ian Telfer following the sale of Uranium One to Russia's Rosatom. The FBI covered for the Clinton's. They did not investigate and concluded that the gift was just "Friends being friends."
  4. Fast and Furious
    Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder lied about their knowledge of the "gunwalking tactic" that put guns in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels and became known as Operation Fast and Furious. Suspects purchased 1,608 firearms at a cost of over $1 million under the program and the ATF found 179 of those weapons at crime scenes in Mexico and 130 in the United States. Obama and Holder denied any knowledge of the program when U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was shot and killed. The rifles were traced to a Phoenix store involved in the Fast and Furious operation but they said that the bullet that killed Terry was too badly damaged to be traced to the operation.
  5. Benghazi
    Four Americans were killed and ten others were wounded. Democrats lied that the Benghazi attack was a response to an anti-Islam video. "You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who — who made an extremely offensive video directed at — at Mohammed and Islam." said Barack Obama. That was a lie. The State Depar4tment had repeatedly ignored requests for security at the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. An investigation found the state department guilty for the lack of security at the compound. Hillary Clinton covered for the lies of Susan Rice and President Obama and the only concern by Democrats was that the report would "provide fodder for those opposing Hillary Clinton in her 2016 campaign for president."
  6. NSA Spying
    Under the Obama administration the NSA was secretly accessing Yahoo and Google data centers to collect information from hundreds of millions of account holders worldwide. NSA was harvesting millions of emails and instant messaging contact lists, searching email content, tracking and mapping the location of cell phones, using cookies to "pinpoint targets for government hacking and to bolster surveillance." Obama wanted whistleblower Snowden to face charges in the US so he could "convince a jury that what I did was to their benefit."
  7. IRS Targeted Audits
    In January 2014 the FBI had found no evidence for filing federal criminal charges in connection with the IRS targeting conservative groups. However, a lawsuit brought by forty-one conservative organizations was later settled with an apology and an admission from the IRS for subjecting conservative groups to "heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays."
  8. Hillary Clinton's Emails
    Technically there is a big difference between a private email server and private email accounts. The email account on Hillary Clinton's BlackBerry was hosted on a private server located in the basement of her home in Chappaqua, New York. The 3 domain names the Clinton's used were registered to a phony name and address. In December 2014, Hillary Clinton had almost 32,000 emails wiped clean from her server. She lied that she did not know the difference between deleting her emails and wiping her server clean.
  9. Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Rendezvous
    While attorney general Lorretta Lynch was investigating the mishandling of classified information in connection with Hillary Clinton's server and tangentially the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton met with Lynch in her private jet on the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport tarmac between 7 and 8 PM on June 27, 2016. Although the FBI found 38 state department officials "culpable" in 91 cases of sending classified information to Hillary Clinton’s email server increasing the vulnerability of classified information, the FBI concluded it was NOT "deliberate mishandling of classified information" and therefore not punishable under the law. Hillary Clinton, the Democrats and the media lied to the American people that there is no difference between a private email server and private email accounts.
  10. Clinton/DNC Emails
    A collection of 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the Democratic Party's national committee were leaked. They showed that the DNC had derided Sanders' campaign to advance Hillary Clinton's nomination. To save face, Democrats lied to the American people that Russia had conducted the operation to allow Donald Trump to win the presidency.