by Charles Tyrrell
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Getting a society to conform to socialism and communism requires hate, fear, propaganda, and civil unrest. Some say there are 8 levels of control that a government must obtain before it's able to create a socialist/communist State.
- Healthcare
- Increase Poverty
- Increase Debt
- Disarm the Public
- Welfare
- Education
- Religion
- Revolution
1. In his book Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky wrote "Control healthcare and you control people." Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were disciples of Saul Alinsky so it's no surprise that between Clinton's attempt at government healthcare in 1993 and Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act of 2010 Democrats have control of our nation's healthcare.
2 & 3. Increased poverty and debt are necessary to make people subjective and dependent. Under Joe Biden, Democrats are accomplishing both. Households have become poorer as the cost of basic needs increases and inflation reaches its highest level in 40 years. The national debt has increased by about $3.5 trillion since Joe Biden took office outpacing forecasts by a decade.
4. Democrats would like nothing more than to disarm the public. Using the excuse of "mass shootings" they have taken us to the brink of gun control. Hitler used the excuse of "childhood gun accidents" to accomplish gun control. He made everyone register their weapons and when the gun accidents kept happening, he knew who had the guns and forced them all to turn them in.
5. Welfare is the level of control where the government decides "what is good for you." Democrats use the terms disinformation and misinformation to control what you know and believe. And, if you are an independent thinker who questions what the government is doing, a "label" can seal your fate.
- Those who object to socialism are labeled racists and are silenced.
- Those who object to living in fear are labeled science deniers and are silenced.
- Those who object to open borders are labeled xenophobic and are silenced.
- Those who object to immorality and gender neutrality are labeled bigots and are silenced.
- Those who object to teaching perversion to our children are labeled domestic terrorists and are silenced.
- Those who defend our Constitution are labeled insurrectionists and are silenced.
7. Religion has long been removed from our schools and is on the way out in everything government. Religion deals with moral issues like abortion, marriage and sexuality. Like Karl Marx, the Democrats believe that any individual or agency exercising religious freedom regarding moral issues is "divisive" and their actions must be abolished.
8. To create a revolution, Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky identified the use of class warfare. However, Democrats cannot use wealth vs. poverty in a society where the majority of wealth is within their own Party. So, instead, the Democrats are using racial warfare to create a revolution.