The razor-wire fence around our Capitol with thousands of troops stationed around its perimeter is a show of force by the Democrats that they now control the United States' government and as a single party ruler it is a warning to any political party that might dare to stand up against them -- Charlie Tyrrell
Update: January 4, 2021
And so it begins. The 117th Congress is going full radical. The opening prayer for the new Congress ended with "Amen and awomen." Apparently they are unaware that "Amen" is Latin for "So be it."If their "genderless" rules pass, terms such as "mother, father, daughter, son, sister, brother, uncle, and aunt" will be replaced with "parent, child, sibling, and parents sibling." Examples of other terms include "chair" for "chairman" and "seafarer" for "seamen." And yet they chose a Vice President based on her "race and her gender!"
Update: January 14, 2021
It doesn't take more than a little common sense to understand the purpose behind the Democrat's plan to Impeach Donald Trump. The move lays the ground work to fool the populace into accepting their tyranical, one-party rule and desimation of Republicans. It is an attempt to strip away our First, Second and Fourth Amendment rights. First Amendment: convince the populace that Trump and his supporters had no right to peacefully assemble or to invoke their freedom of speech. Second Amendment: convince the populace that Republicans waged "an armed assault on our democracy," (armed meaning one person had a knife, but who among them reads more than headlines). Fourth Amendment: a trial against Donald Trump after January 20th is a complete violation of an individual's freedom from unreasonable governmental intrusion and protection against warrants not supported by an Oath. But then, Democrats have repeatedly ignored and violated these rights!Update: January 20, 2021
Among them are these gems:
- Halts the construction of the border wall and erects a razor-wire wall around the Capitol, guarded by troops. Indentification is needed for entry.
- You are now free to walk unchecked across our border from Mexico. However, if you cross at an entry point you will be rewarded with a FREE COVID-19 vaccination, FREE healthcare, food clothing and a hotel room has been reserved for you at U.S. taxpayers expense.
- Recinds the ban on US government funding for foreign nonprofits that perform abortions.
- Lifts the transgender military ban. Want sex-change surgery at the taxpayers expense? Join the military.
- Lifts restrictions on U.S. entry for people from Muslim-majority countries. Your are welcome to come to the USA if you might be a terrorist but if you are a Republican or disagree with the Democrats politics you are "the enemy within," a "white supremist insurgent" and Biden has promised to hunt you down and "destroy you!"
- Biden rejoins the Paris Accord so we can buy millions of PV panels from China and distribute them to the 160 countries in the Accord who can only afford to buy "oil" but can't afford renewable energy. It will only cost Americans $20,000 per family. Now, imagine how much Covid-19 releif that would have bought Americans who lost their businesses and jobs in 2020!
- Biden rejoins the support of the World Health Organization (WHO), the group that told us the virus was NOTt dangerous, NOT to close our borders so we could "track" the disease and NOT to wear masks. And we still can't call the virus the "Wuhan or China Virus" because China objected.
- Let's hear it for the "national" mask mandate. We need those the farmers in the field and ranchers on the range to put those masks on like the subway riders do in New York City. That will stop stop the virus. The alledged science behind wearing masks only exists if you believe the media. Not the doctors who are fired, or lose their license or are criminalized for disagreeing.
- Biden wants to adopt legislation that gives the 700,000 DACA people who came to the country as young children legal status and a path to citizenship. Wouldn't that effectively end DACA, a program protecting them as non-citizens from deportation? And, wasn't that Donald Trump's idea?
Update: January 27, 2021
And it will become permanent. Thousands, many thousands more, will be crossing our borders unchecked. With no protection by border authority and no way to turn them away or deport them, they will vote in our next election. Frankly, we have seen the last of free elections in this country. The populace has learned to depend more on the government than on common sense. Socialism, Communism even, is sneaking up and everyone is accepting it with open arms.
Update: February 2, 2021
Update: February 4, 2021
So now I am a "domestic terrorist" because I disagree with this tyrannical government and must be stopped at all costs. Over 15,000 National Guard troops and barbed wire surrounfd the capital to keep people like me in check. As for the "insurection," rediculous. These were people who attended a Trump rally and were alledgedly incited to storm the capitol building by Donald Trump. How would such people know where to find Nancy Pelosi's office in the capital building with the media in tow ready for a photo op? How would such people know the location of Alexandra Ocasio-Cotiz's private bathroom in the capital building so they could bang on the door and threaten her?Update: February 23, 2021
Rachel Levine, a transgender woman picked by Joe Biden as Secretary of the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) is now suggesting pubertal blockers for young children. This is a medication to block puberty so the children "do not go through the wrong puberty."Update: March 4, 2021
After the MAGA protest that occurred at the Capitol on January 20, Democrats turned QAnon Shaman, Jacob Chansley--who appeared at the Capitol in a buffalo-horn headdress and red, white and blue face paint--into the image that represented a Republican insurection. Every liberal media report called the protest "an armed insurection." That's propaganda. No one was armed. The only shot fired was from a security guard who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt, 35, an Air Force veteran. Even the media story that a police officer was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher was a lie. The other four deaths have never been honestly explained.
In May of 2020 Black Lives Matter (BLM), whether hijacked by Antifa or not, saw 1,500 buildings destroyed by fire and 10,000 people left homeless in Portland. And in, Minneapolis there was over $500 million in damages and 150 buildings were set on fire. The damage and deaths of those riots was all forgotten when the New York Times reported a "possible" plot by a militia group that appeared to be inspired by the pro-Trump conspiracy theory known as QAnon. However, fear of QAnon is the biggest joke of all.
Democrats claim that QAnon has millions of Followers on Facebook and PolitiFact reports that "The FBI has identified it as a potential domestic terrorist threat, and it has been linked to multiple instances of violence" and therefore it is false to say QAnon violence doesn't exist. However, there actually has never been a QAnon act of violence that involved a group or a mob. The entire list of QAnon violence that have occurred are definitely no reason to install a razor-wire fence and thousands of troops around the Capitol. Here's the list:
- June 2018: An Arizona resident blocked a bridge near Hoover Dam with an armored vehicle
- December 2018: A California man was arrested in an alleged plot to blow up a satanic display in Springfield, Il.
- March 2019: A Staten Island man allegedly murdered a Gambino crime leader
- September 2019: A QAnon supporter allegedly smashed up the Chapel of the Holy Hill in Sedona
- December 2019: A QAnon supporter from Colorado was arrested in Montana for an alleged kidnapping scheme
- March 2020: A Kentucky mother kidnapped her twin daughters
- April 2020: A man intentionally derailed a freight train near Los Angeles
- April 2020: A woman drove to New York and made threatening statements against Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton
- June 2020: A Boston man lead police on a 20-mile car chase
- August 2020: A Texas woman chased and crashed into another car telling police she thought she was chasing a pedophile
- October 2020: A Utah woman was arrested in Oregon for allegedly kidnapping her young son
Shaman, Jacob Chansley doesn't dress any wolder than Madonna and he probably doesn't have any more tatoos than the average pro basketball player...