How Democrats Are Stealing Our Democracy

Democracy and Socialism are two different concepts. Democrats avoid the term "Socialism" hiding behind names like "democratic socialism" and "social democracy." But Joe Biden and his cronies are leading our country down the path to a revolution in economic and political policies that can only be described as "socialism."

Some Americans confuse socialism with public services like the fire department and public transportation. Some confuse socialism with social programs like welfare, healthcare and even Social Security. Many Americans, nearly 23 percent, do not even know what socialism is.

Socialism is not social services and it is not social welfare. Socialism is a political and economic system that advocates equality, shared ownership, shared wealth and a government that controls production and resources. In the U.S.A. our political and economic system is Capitalism. Capitalism is the opposite of Socialism. It provides private ownership, free enterprise, individual choice, competition and minimum government intervention.

The liberals and progressives of the Democrat Party believe that capitalism breeds greed and makes slaves out of the working class while socialism builds communities where equality and sharing allow everyone to thrive. But equality (DEI) eliminates individual rights and in a shared economy someone is in charge of the equitable distribution of resources. When that authority decides how much you need and controls who gets what, Socialism becomes Communism.

To get their way, Democrats are intolerant of opposition. They use fear and intimidation to demonize and silence anyone who gets in their way. Challenge climate change and you are a "science denier." Challenge indoctrination and you are a "domestic terrorist." Challenge gender neutrality or perversion and you are a "homophobe" Challenge open borders and you are "xenophobic." Challenge just about anything and you are a "racist."

Democrats have worked tirelessly to paint Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans as Hitler’s Nazis and Mussolini’s fascists. That's propaganda. In reality, the Democrats are the Party using Hitler's playbook! Hitler gained power by using the courts to destroy his opponents. So are the Democrats. Hitler used fear and intimidation to silence any opposition. So are the Democrats. Hitler changed social norms and used propaganda to keep the population in line. So are the Democrats.

Under Democrat leadership, the criminal justice system has lost its independence from politics and treats Democrats and Republicans differently. Republican President Donald Trump is facing charges under the Espionage Act of 1917 for having classified documents inside his Florida home. Democrat Joe Biden stole classified documents, sold their contents, and stored them in his garage but the Presidemt was deemed "too incognitive" to prosecute. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a private server to message classified documents but the FBI, calling her actions "extremely careless," decided not to bring charges against Mrs. Clinton.

Donald Trump was once just a wealthy businessman. For 45 years he ran his business and paid his taxes and the IRS was happy. Over those years his businesses employed tens of thousands of people of every sex, race, ethnicity and nationality and the Feds and DOJ were happy. His hotel, apartments, and golf course brought millions in revenue into New York City and New York was happy. He built a casino in Atlantic City and New Jersey was happy. He opened Mar-a-Lago to minorities annd Florida was happy. And he was a generous man with many friends among celebrities and Hollywood was happy.

Then Donald Trump decided to Save America from Socialism and he challenged the Democrats. Their propaganda, slander, lies, and contempt started immediately turning Trump into a cheat, a liar, a dyed-in-the-wool racist, a narcissist, a criminal, and the enemy of democracy. Democrats have gained control of key positions in the press, social media, and television that are mostly nothing more than mouthpieces echoing disdain for anti-socialist Republicans. Democrats became so enraged their politcians even began campaigning "to go after the former president."

New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg was one of those politicians. After his election he conjured up a criminal case that could put President Trump in jail. In 2016 Donad Trump paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 to settle her claim that they had had sex a decade before. Newly elected Alvin Bragg decided the money was "hush-money." He and his Democrat judge and jury hope to prove that Donald Trump falsified NYC business records to commit a federal crime by using the payment to "influence his election."

As a state attorney, Bragg cannot prosecute a federal crime so it's not by chance that amti-Trump Judge Juan Merchan has the case. His daughter, Loren Merchan, is paid by Democrats. She is president of a progressive political consulting firm that is supported by Democrat clients including Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif).

There is one thing for sure; it's not all about Donald Trump. If Democrats can eliminate Trump to win the 2024 Presidential election, there will never be another fair election in the U.S.A. Democrats are determined, at all costs, to control the three branches of our government. And that is tyranny.

This election year the Democrats tried to keep the Republican presidential candidate off the ballots in many states but the Supreme Court put an end to that little caper. In another decision against Democrats, the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade dates back to 1973 so millions of people assumed that abortion rights was a Federal Law passed by legislation. However, Roe v. Wade was never a "law" at all. It was simply a Supreme Court decision that the Right to Due Process gave women the right to have abortions.

It was just a matter of time before a less liberal SCOTUS would find Roe v. Wade baseless and return abortion rights back to the States. But the Court's decision gave Democrats the ammunition they needed in their fight against pro-life Republicans and an excuse for expanding the Supreme Court. From the days of President Barack Obama, Democrats have been trying to expand the Supreme Court to 15 judges hoping to gain control of the judicial branch of our government appointing liberal judges.

Millions of Democrats believe Joe Biden's propaganda that the economy is great, climate change is "code red for humanity" and that the Democrats are "saving the planet" from CO2 emmissions with electric vehicles and renewable energy. It's an easy sell for the Democrats since Finance and Science are not the most studied subjects among U.S. adults, and in particular the 173 million (54%) who's literacy proficiency is at or below a 6th grade level.

With double-digit inflation and the value of the dollar down 30%, people are buying on credit and creating a false economy. Credit card debt loses among major banks have jumped from millions into billions within a year. On the science side, there is a good chance that climate change may be natural due to the variations in the solar cycle and Earth's axis.

As for those CO2 emmissions, Earth's natural carbon cycle processes 100 billion tons of CO2 every year, ten times more CO2 than humans produce burning fossil fuels. And, while a few solar panels might work well on homes and businesses, there is not a giant solar farm or wind farm in existance that produces 1/3 of its "factory rated energy." Most have a "capacity factor" of just 27 percent.

So, regardless of how many 30-story wind turbines we erect and how many toxic solar panels we lay down, without nuclear energy we will be burning coal, oil, and gas when the wind isn't blowing, the sun isn't shining, and the EV batteries need recharging. And even worse, with a lifespan of about 25 years, tens of thousands of wind turbines and hundreds of millions of solar panels will all become toxic waste as we begin replacing them.

In less than four years the Democrat's domestic policies have destroyed a once thriving economy, seeded sky-rocketing inflation, ended oil independence, doubled interest rates, added $34 trillion in national debt and opened the door to 14 million migrants that Democrats are banking on to give them the congressional seats they need to control the legislative branch of our government.

Meanwhile, their foreign policies have caused the closure of U.S. Embassies in five countries, cost taxpayers billions to finance a war against Russia, restored the financial stability of Iran, a terrorist nation, and triggered the bombing of Israel that has liberal students in Universities across America shouting anti-Israel slogans and "Death to America" in farsi.

Our country is in trouble. The Bill of Rights is under attack by the Democrats. We have already had freedom of speech taken away by cancel culture, political correctness and even party affiliation. We have seen citizens exercising their 1st Amendment rights lose their 4th, 5th and 6th Amendment rights to accusations of insurrection. Donald Trump has been denied his 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendment rights and lost his right to due process in that New York City trial. That is significant! If Democrats can do this to today's Republican presidential candidate they will do it to the next Republican presidential candidate, and the next one and the one after that..

Be aware; Democrats are coming after our 2nd Amendment rights. They are using "gun violence" as an excuse to get gun control. Hitler used "childhood gun accidents" to get gun control. He made everyone register their guns and when the shootings kept happening, he knew who had the guns and he made them turn them in.

James Madison, the father of our Constitution, said this: "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elected, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny”

Remember, you can vote your way into a tyrannical government but you will have to shoot your way out!
