Healthcare Isn't New

Obama didn't invent healthcare. Before the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) emergency rooms cared for everyone. Some people couldn't pay so hospitals charged more to those who could pay. Under Obamacare, those who can afford health insurance still pay for those who can't but taking care of the needy is much more complicated.

Obamacare is based on 3 cheap insurance plans, Bronze, Silver and Gold. The deductibles are $6,000, $5,000 and $3,000 respectively. If you want a cadillac plan, low deductible, there is a 43% excise tax on your premium. For those earning up to 400% of the FPL, the premium can be susidized up to 100%. But chances are the deductibile will be an out-of-pocket expense without reimbursement.

Before Obamacare, Medicaid was split 50/50 between the state and federal governments. It served the poor for over 50 years. But now, based on income alone (138% of FPL), it includes people with multiple properties and other assets and the federal government picks up the entire tab.

At the onset of Obamacare eight years ago statistics claimed 37 million were uninsured. Then the 11 million illegal immigrants were added to boost the numbers. Then claimed Obamacare insured 20 million new enrollees. Today's estimate of uninsured is 47 million according to The Heritage Foundation. Arithmetic indicates something is wrong.

Deaths in the USA are down because of medical advances. Not Obamacare. Millions are not going to start dying no matter what happens to healthcare.

By the way, ACA (Section 1312(d)(3)(D)) requires members of Congress and designated congressional staff members to obtain their health insurance through ACA exchanges. In other words, they have the same healthcare as every other citizen. However, our tax dollars pay 72% of the cost of their premiums. This is good for staff members but members of Congress should not be susidized.