Republican vs Democrat Democracy

“Democracy is at stake in the 2022 election.” Leading Democrats and the media are screaming this slogan from the rooftops. They claim that Republicans are "Facists" trying to take away your Democracy. There is not one Democrat I have spoken to who can name a single Facist movement by Republicans except to mention abortion rights. However, abortion rights have not been taken away. They have been moved to the state level where they can be controlled. An objection to sucking the brain out of an unborn just because a woman chooses to not be pregnant or has decided it costs too much to rrise a child, is not Facism anyway. It's morality.

Disagreeing with Democrat politics is not Facism. Facism is intolorancce. There was a time in America when you could "believe it or not" but under today's Democratic leadership you must "believe it or else" suffer the comsequences. That's Faccism. Here is my list of Facists movements that belong to the Democrats:

  1. Democrats will get you fired for disagreeing with their politics (Cancel Culture)
  2. Democrats will get you discriminated against for disagreeing with their politics (more Cancel Culture)
  3. Democrats will destroy your businss for disagreeing with their politics (My Pillow & Goyo Foods)
  4. Democrats will get you arrested for disagreeing with their politics (Parents vs NEA)
  5. Democrats will label you a domestic terrorist "to be destroyed" for disagreeing with their politics (Parents vs School Boards)
  6. Democrats will label you a mega-mega-mega Facist for disagreeing with their politics (Biden's play om the acronym MAGA)
  7. Democrats claim you must be eliminated for disagreeing with their politics (Joe Biden & Company)
Democracy is not undeer attack by Republicans. What they and the media mean is that the Democratic Party is at stake in the 2022 election. This chart may help you decide the future of America! Circle your choice and count the circles.

Keeping the Constitution & Bill of Rights For Against
A 60% Senate vote to pass new laws (Filibuster) For Against
State controlled abortion rights For Against
State controlled voting rights For Against
Private Ownership (Capitalism) For Against
Individualism (My rights over mandates) For Against
Borders For Against
Immigration Laws For Against
History (Good or Bad) For Against
Morality For Against
Oil Indepndence For Against
Responsible Gun Ownership For Against
Local Police For Against
Energy Dependence on Wind and Sun [2] Against For
Income Equality (Regardless of education and ability) Against For
Equity (Equal outome regardless of ability) Against For
Cancel Colture (Intolerance of opposite opinions) Against For
Critical Race Theory (Inbred Racism among White population) Against For
Political Correctness (Changing Pronouns) Against For
Gender Identty[1] (Instructions begin at age 5) Against For

[1] New York: Under the proposed standards, public as well as charter schools are mandated to teach 5-year-olds about “gender identity”, and even instruct children as young as eight on hormone blockers and their use in gender reassignment surgery for transgender-identifying preteens.

[2] Climate Change: All scientists who claim man-made CO2 is the cause of climte change are paid for their research on climate change. For their defence, they claim that the scientists who disagree with them "just don't understad!" Understand what?