Democrats and Authoritarianism

President John F. Kennedy is often worth quoting. He once said “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

Today's Democrat Party is not John F. Kennedy's Democrats. They are socialists, authoritarians, and liars. They are afraid to let the people judge truth and falsehood based on their own values and morals. They intend to oversee and control any open market where speech and ideas are expressed independent of government influence or intervention.

Democrats are Socialists. Socialism is the opposite of Capitalism. Joe Biden wants you to believe that "greedy capitalists" are the cause of sky-rocketing gas prices and double-digit inflation.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, criticizes our economic system saying "capitalism is irredeemable."

Elizabeth Warren is fighting capitalism with her Accountable Capitalism Act that would give the government the power to shut down any $1 billion corporation their party can't govern.

Socialism is about equality and control. Democrats want you to believe that inequality of income and success are due to capitalism, racism, and white supremacy. Millions of Americans blindly assume that Equality, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are the solution to poverty and injustice.

But socialism uses Equality to control what you have. It uses Diversity to control your associations. It uses Equity to control your lifestyle. And it uses Inclusion to control who you can elect.

Democrats make socialism sound attractive by hiding behind names like "democratic socialism" and "social democracy" that conjure up images of Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands, with free education, universal healthcare, and paid parental leave.

But unlike the U.S.A. these mixed economic systems collect large tax revenues to provide their socialist public services. The United States government uses "means-tested welfare" to protect the economic and social well-being of its citizens in health care, education, and employment.

U.S. taxpayers spend about $1.6 trillion a year on means-tested assistance that provides cash, food, free and subsidized housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income Americans.

What Democrats don't want you to think about is that Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, and China are also examples of socialism and corruption within the governing class of these countries has caused their governments to evolve into authoritarian dictatorships.

A socialist U.S.A. is also at risk of a government that evolves into an authoritarian dictatorship and characteristics of athoritarianism are already evident within the Democrat's agenda and the Biden administration.

Socialist Democrats believe individual sacrifice is necessary to create a country that is better for the good of all. But when a government doesn't care what matters to you, it is an authoritarian dictatorship.

Democrats are authoritarian. Democrats have changed nearly every aspect of our culture. They have changed our language, customs, beliefs, attitude, behavior, and morality. On their short list are food and religion. Their policies have turned the United States into a nation of illiteracy, poverty, crime, drugs, homelessness, fear, hate and lies.

Democrats use indoctrination and fear to assure that everyone accepts their ideas without judgement or criticism. They use "disinformation" and "misinformation" to control what people know and what they believe. And they use the media to ingrain biased and partisan ideas, opinions, beliefs, and principles.

Immediately upon assuming office, Joe Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and restricted domestic oil and gas production creating an energy crisis, a dependency on OPEC and Russia to supply oil and gas and higher gas and heating prices.

Joe Biden took it upon himself to open our southern border and ignore our immigration laws. He made his own immigration laws and downplayed any possibility that the illegal immigrants streaming unchecked into our country each day could include gang members, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and even individuals on terrorism watchlists.

On August 11, 2023 Democrats modernized Obama's HFRP program. They began flying as many as 30,000 prisoners a month from Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela jails into the U.S.A. by commercial airline. The prisoners are sponsered by "petitioners" and then released in U.S. cities in their custody.

Democrats want you to believe they are an authority on physics and the weather with their theory that man is creating climate change with CO2. They will never "fix" climate change because it is the excuse for many of their authoritarian policies.

For example, Joe Bidrn has used executive orders to restrict the use of gas furnaces, water heaters, dryers, and stoves by the year 2025. They are forcing the purchase of electric vehicles even though charging an EV at home will increases the annual household electric consumption by 33 oercent.

There will never be enough electricity to power an all-electric nation using the wind, the sun, and batteries as energy sources. They are barely 30% productive. They are subject to overload conditions and to dangerous weather-related outages.

But they do creatre a lot of jobs. Turbines catch fire and blades 150 feet long fly off. Hurricanes, tornados and hail storms destroy solar farms. And, with a lifespan of just 25 years, solar panels and wind mills are in constant need of replacement.

The biggest threat of an all-electric nation is that under an authoritarian dictatorship, electricity is the only source of energy where distribution and supply can be controlled with the flick of a switch.

Democrats are liars. Democrats lied about death certificate data during the covid-19 outbreak. Nearly 80 percent of all the deaths counted were among people with 3 or more comorbidities. They lied that "probable covid-19, pneumonia, and flu deaths" were also counted along with confirmed covid-19 deaths.

Democrats lied to enforce mask mandates, distance mandates, to shut down thousands of businesses, to put millions of people out of work, to end associations and celebrations, and to strangle our education system.

Democrats lied about the covid-19 vaccine developement. They lied about its effectiveness and side effects. They discharged members of the military who objected to their vaccine mandates. They fired medical, fire and police personnel who objected and they isolated and demeaned the public who objected.

Joe Biden lied that he created more jobs than any president. During covid unemployment tripled from 3.6 to 13.1 percent. When unemployment went back to 3.5% he didn't create thiose jobs. It was people going back to work after the covid-19 lock-downs,

Joe Biden lied about decreasing the deficit. Covid-19 relief spending sent the deficit soaring from $1.4 trillion to $3.1 trillion. When covid relief spending ended, the deficit went back down but it remained nearly double the pre-covid deficit.

Democrats lied when Russia exposed the Clinton/DNC's plot to destroy Bernie Sanders' campaign. When Hillary lost the election to Donald Trump, the Democrats flipped the Russia hack against Donald Trump calling it "collusion.".

Democrats lied about the investigation of money laundering at Burisma where Hunter Biden was "employed" and earning millions. Democrats lied when the investigator was fired.

Democrats lied about Joe Biden's quid pro quo with Ukraine that was recorded on tape. Democrats probably lied when they employed an "unidentified whistleblower" who knew someione, also unidentified, who claimed to have heard Trump threaten the Ukraine.

Democrats lied about the BLM riots of May 2020. Property damage was assessed at $2 billion and at least 25 people dead. Two police officers had been killed in cold blood. However, member after member of Nancy Pelosi's Democrat judiciary committee insisted there were NO riots.

Democrats lied that January 6th was an armed insurection. They lied about the demonstrators who actually got a guided tour within the Capital building, and they lied that four deaths were related to the violence.

Democrats in Geeorgia lied. Donald Trump lost the election to Joe Biden by less than 1/4 of 1 percent. A recount would be legal and could change the election outcome but Democrats lied that Trump "unlawfully" conspired to change the election outcome.

Democrats lied about the border patrol, Hunter Biden's laptop, the Biden family deals with China, Romania and the Ukraine through a series of phony LLCs.

Democrats are dangerous. They have proven they can subjugate the public, bypass our legislative process, manipulate the criminal justice system and destroy any opposition with lies and propaganda.

They want control of the executive branch, legislative branch, and they have their sights set on the judiciary branch. If they succeed, it will be the tyrannical government our forefathers warned us against.

If you let them take your guns, remember You can vote your way into tyrranical, authoritarian, dictatorship but you will have to shoot your way out.