
I grew up a tall, skinny kid so one-size-fits-all never worked for me. Later in life, one-size-fits-all didn't work for my goals, my education, my careers, or my opinions. And that is why the Democrat's socialism doesn't work for me. It's one-size-fits-all.

Democracy is individualism and the freedom to choose. It strives for equal rights, equal opportunity and equal justice under the law. Today's Democrats tout equality but they are infinitely about equal wealth, equal distribution, and equal outcomes. That's one-size-fits-all. Not democracy.

Democrats work tirelessly to paint Trump supporters as a "cult" but a cult is a group that dominates its members through pressure strategies, psychological manipulation, power, and isolation. Trump's pressure strategy is "Make America Great Again."

The Democrat's pressure strategy is "Climate Change." They have manipulated the science of CO2 in the atmosphere to take control of energy. They will end the use of fossil fuels, restrict the use of gas furnaces, gas appliances and gas vehicles, and make electricity our only source of energy using the sun and the wind. Be mindful; electricity is the only power source where distribution can be controlled with the flick of a switch.

Scientifically, Earth depends on much of the sun's rays being reflected back into outer space to keep it from overheating, as in global warming. The process is called the "albedo." Fields, and especially deserts, are critical in reflecting the sun's rays.

Democrats have spread the story that the Earth is getting hotter because the reflected rays of the sun are trapped by CO2 in the atmosphere. However, overheating also occurs when the sun's rays gets trapped by surfaces.

Black surfaces do not reflect the sun's rays. They absorb them creating heat. Scientists have always been concerned about black highways, black rooftops, and black parking lots affecting the Earth's albedo. Parking lots can be 59° F hotter than a grassy field at noon on a summer day and the heat that is absorbed during the day is released at night creating heat "islands" that are much hotter than the surrounding area.

Solar farms are like giant parking lots ten square miles wide. The surface temperature of solar panels can reach 185° F and only about 15% of the incoming energy striking them gets converted into electricity. The other 85% is radiated into the environment as heat. Regardless of what solar energy enthussiasts claim, solar farms heat up the Earth like other black surfaces.

The scale of solar installations that would be needed in replacing our fossil energy demand would be roughly 22,000 square miles of solar panel-filled land. That is an area 8 miles wide stretching from Florida to the state of Washington. Heat emitted from thousands of areas totaling such an enormous area will be redistributed by the flow of air in the atmosphere and have regional and teven global effects on the climate.

We have spent 50 years replacing fossil fuels with wind turbines and solar panels without even the tiniest improvement in global warming and climate change. And, the Democrat's theory that we need to eliminate fossil fuels by 100% before we can see any improvement in the environment just dosen't fit the mathmatics of probability.

Democrats don''t like being criticized or contradicted but their plot to control energy does not meet my needs or my lifestyle. Beating them at their scheme, however, will not be easy. They control a powerful press, powerful lobbyists, powerful doners, and powerful justices. Open borders and their closet cirizenship laws will give them a powerful legislature.

Power corrupts and absolute power will absolutely allow Democrats to take away democracy and put the elderly, middle class, and working classes of our society into a pair of one-size-fits-all overalls where every individual is dependent on big government for survival.