Lies and Liars

Updated Sept 24, 2024

W hat I hear a lot is "Trump lies." When I ask "What Trump lie bothered you the most", I get a bewildered stare or they quickly end the conversation. Occasionally, I'll hear "he lies about everything."

When someone does come up with an answer, they're simply repeating a Democrat lie. In the 2024 presidential debate Kamala Harris reiterated their lie that Trump threatened a "bloodbath." Trump never said anything would be a bloodbath except the takeover of our auto industry by China with cheap EV imports.

The Washington Post claims that President Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims while in office. They used this statement by Trump as an example of his lies. "Powered by these policies, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world."

The Post believed this lie was significant because Trump "told this lie twice in his farewell address." To fact check Trump, the Post compared his GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to GDP percentages dating back to the 1950s and 1960s. There were some that were better so they labeled his statement "false."

The GDP is the official measure of global economies but I believe Trump was talking about our overall economy; purchasing power, the value of a dollar, unemployment, interest rates, availability of resources, and energy independence. Not just the country's GDP.

In 2019 the economy was pretty great. Inflation was 1.2%, unemployment was 3.5%, interest rates were 3.6%, all three indexes of the stock market were up more than 20%, the deficit was $984 billion, and the national debt was $7.2 Trillion.

Then in 2020 Covid-19 business closures sent unemployment soaring to 14.0%. Covid relief spending drove the deficit up to $3.1 trillion. But despite the challenges that Covid-19 lockdowns and physical distancing created for voter registration and for voting, Joe Biden won the 2020 election with the highest voter turnout of the 21st century.

In March 2022 Joe Biden said "Let me remind you again: I reduced the federal deficit. All the talk about the deficit from my Republican friends, I love it. I’ve reduced the deficit in my first year in office" But Joe Biden was lying, or as his media puppets put it "distorting reality." Joe Biden reduced the deficit by a pittance of $350 billion leaving a $2.8 Trillion deficit, nearly twice Donald Trump's deficit.

In his 2024 SOTU Addresss, Joe Biden said "We have the strongest economy in the world. Let me say it again, in the world.". He also said "The economy has grown more since I took office than at this point in any presidential term in the last 25 years".

Nobody ever fact checked Joe Biden but he was lying bigly about his economy. Inflation had officially jumped to 4.7% but some food prices were up 40% and energy prices had doubled, up 100%. Interest rates climbed to 6.8% and the national debt sky-rocketed from $7.2 Trillion to $34 Trillion.

Joe Biden is the biggest spender of all time and the Democrats lie about the economic danger of their extravagant spending. But the interest on our national debt has topped $1 Trillion. The bigger the interest payment the bigger the deficit. A budget deficit exists when the government spends more money than it collects from taxes and it lasts until spending goes down and taxes go up.

Democrats lie about their economy and claim economy is too complicated for you to understand but understand this. In a good "economy" you can afford to buy essentials, some luxuries, and have some savings. Jobs are available. You can borrow comfortably. Energy is affordable. And taxes are reasonable.

NBC News has its own list of "Trump lies." Included in their list are lies about his agenda, lies about Covid-19, and lies about voter fraud. A careful exam of their so-called Trump lies, however, reveals they create Trump lies to cover-up their lies. Some of their lies are concealment and some are falsifications.

"Think of what will happen to your now beautiful 401-k's!", Trump tweeted about his policies on Oct. 21, 2018. NBC calls this a Trump Lie because "nearly half of Americans may not have a retirement plan at all." That reasoning is laughable. Democrats predicted the S&P 500 would fall by half if Trump implemented his policies but stocks soared.

When they couldn't lie about his economy, they lied about his tax cuts. Kamala Harris kept that lie going in the 2024 debate when she said "it’s all about tax breaks for the richest people".

Factually, about 8 out of 10 U.S. taxpayers (76%) use the Standard Deduction. Trump's tax cuts doubled the Standard Deduction giving each of these millions of taxpayers an extra $6,200 tax deduction. He lowered low-income tax brackets from previous years and the child tax credit was expanded. Feel free to fact check me on this.

The 1.6 million taxpayers who reported earning $500,000 or more paid an increase of $16 billion in taxes. Trump lowered the corporate tax rate from 38% to 22% but corporations returned over $1 trillion to the U.S. economy from foreign banks, $32 billion from Apple corporation alone. .

Home Depot, with 400,000 employees, announced it would pay a one-time cash bonus of up to $1,000 to all U.S. hourly associates. Fifteen more corporations also paid $1,000 bonuses to more than 700,000 employees. No wonder the Democrats are still lying about Donald Trump's tax cuts

"Just stay calm. It will go away.", Trump said on March 10, 2020 about Covid-19. NBC calls this a Trump Lie but if the virus was truly a "novel" virus as the Democrats claimed, how did they know so early in the pandemic that the virus would not "go away?"

As Donald Trump raced to replace pandemic supplies depleted by Barack Obama and to find a vaccine, Democrats pushed the panic button. Based on Dr. Fauci's changing testimonies, they were forced to tell one lie after another. Their lies destroyed a booming economy and made life intolerable for millions of people.

California and New York were the first to lock down their economies and confine citizens to their homes. When Republicans warned that lockdowns would be more devastating than anything the coronavirus could inflict, Democrats called them greedy capitalists who only cared about profits.

Democrats and their media puppets concealed health data leading millions to believe they would die if they left their houses. Democrats lied about nursing home deaths that accounted for 80 percent of the deaths in some of their states. They lied about the number of deaths counting pneumonia, flu and "probable covid" deaths as confirmed Covid-19 deaths.

Everyone should have stayed calm, exercised reasonable caution, applied some common sense and waited for the vaccines that were developed in 2020. All the lockdowns, masks and social distancing did not result in Covid-"going away" any faster. California remained locked down a year longer than Florida.

"Voter fraud is not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact." Trump said on Dec. 24, 2020. Democrats are adamant that voter fraud does not exist. But I'm not sure how they're so sure since no U.S. government agency actually compiles data on voter fraud and analysis by elections experts shows that fraud does exist concluding that "fraud is slightly more common with mail-in voting than in-person voting at polling places."

I wouldn't expect the Democrats to question the validity of the 2020 election but it had the largest increases on record in every facet of a presidential election. It featured 17 million more people voting than in 2016, a 73% increase in nontraditional voting over 2016, and an unheard of 92% turnout among registered voters.

Many states maintained traditional voting procedures, but some expanded early voting, and others automatically sent all registered voters a ballot that could be returned by mail. Mail-in ballots accounted for 46% of all votes cast and I would like to believe that election judges carefully verified the signature of every mail-in ballot before it was counted, as Democrats claim, because Joe Biden won just 506 counties out of 3,006 counties.

CNN claims Donald Trump's lies had deadly consequences. They are, of course, lying that there were five deaths associated with the January 6th demonstration. However, after hearing months of lies, the only death that was actually attributed to the demonstration was Ashly Babbit who was shot to death by a Capital police officer.

The lies that did have deadly consequences, though, were lies over the Black Lives Matter riots of May 2020 that Democrats tried desperately to conceal from the public. The extreme violence and destruction left 25 people dead. BLM protestors destroyed 1,500 buildings by fire and left 10,000 people homeless in Portland. In Minneapolis there was over $500 million in damages and 150 buildings were set on fire.

On a national scale property damage was assessed at $2 billion. Police cruisers and station houses were firebombed, courthouses were trashed, banks were broken into and ATMs were ripped out of walls, pharmacies were plundered for drugs. Police officers were told to stand down even as they were shot at, run over, slashed with knives, and clubbed. Two police officers were killed in cold blood.

Kamala Harris worked to have those arrested released so no one was ever prosecuted. Nancy Pelosi's Judiciary Committee unanimously and repeatedly lied that the riots never took place in a hearing against AG Bill Barr.

Remember this. During the Trump administration there were no wars. Under Barack Obama Americans lost their lives in Benghazi, Al-Qaeda and ISIS flourished and Putin invaded the Ukraine. Under Joe Biden Americans lost their lives in Afghanistan, Hamas and Hezbollah flourished and Putin invaded the Ukraine, again.

Bill Clinton lied about Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones. Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, her server and Russian collusion. Barack Obama lied about the NSA, the IRS, Solyndra and the cost of Obamacare.

Joe Biden lied that he created more jobs than any other president. In 2019 the unemployment rate was 3.5%, the lowest it had been in since 1969. During the covid-19 lockdowns unemployment jumped to 14 percent. When unemployment dropped back to 3.5%, it was not Joe, it was tens of millions of people going back to work after Covid lockdowns.

Kamala Harris successfully lied for four years covering up for President Joe Biden's failing health. No wonder Democrats think she's Wonder Women. She lies, straight-faced and giggling, about Republicans and the U.S. Constitution, Project 2025, guns, the border, fracking, 9th month abortions, and she answers every question about the economy with "I grew up a middle-class kid..."

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrats have lied, falsified, and concealed information that has ruined the lives of millions of people and destroyed one of the greatest economies in our history. When logic or common sense warn against a lie, they call it a "conspiracy theory."

Their lies have created hatred, bred evil behavior and language, and promoted assassinations. Their lies will eliminate your freedom of choice, private ownership, and create life-threatening energy shortages.

Comparing Democrat lies to Trump lies, it's pretty obvious why the question "What Trump lie bothered you the most?" produces a bewildered stare.

P.S. If you thought the Democrats were against foreign influence in our elections, aka Russian Collusion, you've been lied too again. The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has been here in the USA campaigning for Kamala Harris!