Sounding Off For Democracy

“Equal opportunity does not guarantee equal success and in any society where everyone is equal, they are equally poor not equally rich”

Charlie Tyrrell February 7, 2020

In 2016 Democrat candidates were touting a system of government they called Democratic Socialism. They pushed the "Nordic" countries as models of social democracy. However, I have traveled in all of these countries enough to undestand there was much about their governments that was not being being told to the American public. For example, you must have a job before you can immigrate to these countries. Free healthcare in Denmark isn't free! It is an 8% tax deduction of gross pay, that everyone pays regardless of income, and the healthcare does not cover physicals, vision or dental care, and mental health services are only partially covered and only in certain situations. The tax on the purchase of an automobile in Denmark is 80-85 percent depending on the cost of the automobile ($20,000 + 80% = $36,000).

Democratic Socialism is just Socialism in a Democratic state. The Democrats use the term as propaganda to erase the fear of the word "socialism" that has existed in the United States. And their methods are working. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents 57 percent have a positive view of socialism compared to 43 percent who have a positive view of capitalism. The average person posting on social media believes socialism is nothing more than the right to free healthcare and a free education. However, there is no difference between Socialism and Democratic Socialism. They are both an economy and society that puts public needs ahead of the individual's needs. However, equal opportunity does not guarantee equal success and, in a society where everyone is equal, everyone is equally poor not equally rich.

During the campaigns of 2016 I began to do some research on the relationship between Socialism and Communism. Communism is just another form of socialism. But I truly doubted that the United States would ever stoop to "public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society", communism as defined by Britanica. However, just four years later the Democratic doctrines and agendas convinced me that the United States was well on the path to the revolutionary Communism of Karl Marx. ( See: A Disappearing America )

Getting a society to conform to socialism and communism requires hate, fear, propaganda, and civil unrest. The Democrats have been teaching Americans to hate; to hate Donald Trump, to hate Republicans, and even to hate their neighbor. Hate speeches came from the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and from Senators like Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, and many others. When COVID-19 hit, Democrats had the rest of the resources they needed to power-play their communist agenda.

Fear took over every aspect of American life as mayors and governors used COVID-19 to invoke unprecedented mandates to control the population. Millions of lawful businesses were required to shut their doors and tens of millions of people were thrown out of work. Whole industries had seen their capital wiped out overnight especially small businesses that could not outlast the shutdowns. Public buildings became fortresses and shelter-in-place became necessary as many Americans feared death awaited them if they left their houses.

Propaganda kept their plan in play. No one knew how contageous and deadly this virus was when it appeared in December 2019. On February 29, 2020 the United States had just 68 cases of COVID-19 and only one death. It was March 11 before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. However, President Trump had already closed our borders to protect Amercan citizens but the Democrats and the media spewed out a barage of propaganda that his action was unnecessary and xenophobic. As late as April WHO was still advising healthy people NOT to wear masks. Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of WHO's health emergencies program said "There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any particular benefit. In fact, there is some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly." And yet Democrats continued their propaganda about a "national mask madate." Liberals did not understand that national means the farmers working in their fields and ranchers herding their cattle must wear a mask just like the office workers in New York City. Ignorance is bliss!

The propaganda against President Trump went so far as to blame him for the COVID-19 deaths. This was a simply a distraction from the truths that Democrat governors had placed COVID-19 patients in nursing homes causing thousands of deaths among the most vulnerable population. The Democrats banned Hydroxychloroquine and demonized anyone who disagreed, even threatening their medical licenses. Reports such as the one from Henry Ford Health System that "Treatment with hydroxychloroquine cut the death rate significantly in sick patients hospitalized with COVID-19 - and without heart-related side affects." were hidden from the public. With the government paying handsomely for all COVID-19 cases, the deaths rates were exagerated. Many of those deaths suffered comorbidities, such as heart disease and diabetes. Some more than one comorbidity. There was a time when measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough and polio were all part of everyone's daily lives. Thousands died every year, over 300,000 annually from measles alone. Vaccines took years to perfect. No one quarantined the public. No one shut down businesses. No one closed the schools. No one banned interstate travel and no one blamed the President for the deaths.

And finally the Democrats needed civil unrest. The opportunity came when a video of the arrest and death of a black man at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis went viral. Within 24 hours the violence had begun. Anarchists descended on major cities. In Minneapolis, the Third Police Precinct building was torched and burned to the ground. Two current and former police officers were murdered. Others were shot at, run over, slashed with knives, and clubbed. Bricks and ice were thrown at police and their cruisers were firebombed; courthouses were trashed; looters emptied store shelves; banks were broken into and ATMs ripped out of walls; pharmacies were plundered for drugs. Democrat governors and mayors across the land ordered the police to stand down. And those businesses that had been boarded up due to bankruptcy were again boarded up to prevent further damage and theft.

But civil unrest didn't start with the riots of May 2020. Nor did it start with Donald Trump in 2017. It began in 2008 after the country elected Barack Obama President of the United States. Over the years following Martin Luther King's assasination in 1968, black people had risen from the oppression and mistreatment that I witnessed in Mississippi in the 1960's to positions of education and respect; senators, mayors, lawyers, doctors, surgeons, CEO's and now President. There had been only three race riots over those 41 years; Miami 1980, LA 1992 (Rodney King), and Cincinnati 2001. But under Barack Obama the country would witness three race riots in three years, 2014, 2015 and 2016. After just four years in office, Barack Obama had revived the hippy movement's "war on police" and reset the calendar of racial unrest back to 1960. He gave birth to racist groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the racial unrest that he started in 2013 continued to spiral upwards to the race riots that occurred in 2020.

Never in my life was I ever called a "racist." However, because I did not vote for Barack Obama I was not only called a racist but the epithets rose to unprecedented heights; "un-American, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-semetic, and deplorable." My vote had nothing to do with the color of Barack Obama's skin. I did not, and do not, agree with the long and malicious list of principles the Democrats have come to stand for: •full-term abortions, sexual neutrality, political correctness, white shaming, black reperations, indoctrination in education, falsifying history, socialized medicine, tax-funded college, unchecked immigration, elimination of law enforcement, banning guns, renewable energy, high taxes, and "cancel culture," a morality that demonizes, demoralizes, supresses, and silences persons who dare to disagree with them.

In fact, anyone who dares to speak out against Democrat politics can be banned from social media and are labeled "white supremists, insurrectionists and a threat to the country who must be sought out and destroyed." This is the Communism that our country feared during the cold war with Russia, the U.S.S.R.

Donald Trump understands the American worker. He employed tens of thousands of them building and working at his highrises, hotels, resorts and golf courses in his 45 years as a businessman. During his presidency employment was the highest on record among every race. Democrat Joe Biden, however, shut down the Keystone pipeline putting thousand out of work. The order was one of the first of 47 executive orders he issued within ten days of being in office. Never mind that 55 million Americans still heat their homes with oil. Never mind the pollution of transporting oil by truck. Never mind that this move put skilled workers like heavy equipment operators, welders, and NDT technicians out of work. Never mind that it uproots lives and destroys communities and businesses. But, just like Communism, the new government will allocate jobs for these workers and decide on their basic needs of their families. Such actions are now a pattern of the Democrats and it will not end with the fossil fuel industry.

Another Executive Order by Joe Biden is rejoining the Paris Agreement. Part of that agreement will make "lessons in climate change, the environment and how to protest" compulsary subjects at all schools. The Democrat House has passed gender-neutral language for Congress in which mother, father, brother, sister, uncle and aunt will be replaced by parent, sibling and parent's sibling. Democrats are teaching gender-neutrality to kindergarten children. Rachel Levine, a transgender woman picked by Joe Biden as Secretary of the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) is now suggesting pubertal blockers for young children. This is a medication to block puberty so the children "do not go through the wrong puberty." Democrats will continue to indoctrinate our youth in socialist values just as the Childhood Development programs of the Soviet Union were used to indoctrinate children with Soviet values.

Democrats, with their Green New Deal, expect we can get ALL of our electrical energy from solar and wind. But, renewable energy is unreliable. It depends on the weather. Over many decades I have researched the pros and cons of renewable energy vs nuclear energy. A 550 megawatt solar farm, like Desert Sunlight, only generates 550 MW when ALL 8.5 million PV panels are in full sunlight with no wind and no clouds. A 1,200 megawatt wind farm, like Alta Wind Energy Center, only generates 1,200 MW when ALL 10,000 acres of trubines have a constant 27 mph wind. But the sun doesn't shine 24 hours a day and the wind isn't always blowing so wind and solar farms only generate less than 30 percent of their rated outputs. That's not much electricity. Palo Verde Nuclear station, in the Arizona desert, generates 3,700 megawatts of clean, carbon-free electricity 24/7. ( Read More At: Getting Serious About Nuclear Energy )

I used to joke about the younger generations of my co-workers giving them the nicknames "Snapple Generation" and "Nike Generation" after observing their work habits. The Snapples believed everything they were told without question. They wore jeans, sneakers and T-shirts with advertising for every occassion and every event. The Nikes would "Just Do It" ignoring the consequences of their actions. They believed they could fix anything that went wrong tomorrow. But tomorrow never came and whatever went wrong was always someone else's fault. The horror that is decending on America today is the result of those generations who beleived everything they were told without question and who just dove in headfirst without concern for what lies hidden underneath.

President Donald Trump did nothing to hurt America or one single American. For the first time in decades America was not at war. More Americans were employed than ever before. No executive order, no lie of President Trump cost an American his life, his job, his rights or his freedom. Democrats cannot say that. Their lies of Fast & Furious, Benghazi and COVID-19 cost Americans their lives. Their lies of IRS, NSA, and FBI cost Americans their rights and their freedom. Their lies of Solyndra, Uranium One and the executive order of the pipeline cost Americans their jobs and their livlihoods. Soon the Democrats will make this country their U.S.S.R. The United States Socialist Republic.

Miscellaneous Notes and Conspiracy Theories

Democrats are so anti-history they are renaming schools that are named after "Lincoln, Washington, etc"

When Russia was a communist country the entire population of America feared communism. Russia is no longer a communist country but China clearly is communist. Why do Democrats insist that we have nothing to fear from communist China?

Here are some real conspiacy theories for you. Fact: Our government now has the DNA of every American who has been tested for COVID-19. Fact: Democrats now control all branches of our government. Fact: Biden has signed an Executive Order forbiding the terms "China and Wuhan" to be used to describe COVID-19 (he's hoping you forget that COVID-19 originated in China). Fact: China has developed diseases (think germ warfare) that will attack only people with certain DNA characteristics. Fact: U.S. intelligence officials say the Chinese government is collecting the DNA of Americans. (READ: China's push to control Americans' health care future).

Here's the second "theory." The Chinese embassy in Canada has announced that "China-bound passengers must have a QR code with a mark denoting either Chinese citizen or foreigner." The code [aledgedly] is a replacement for the current requirement that passengers present COVID-19 test results prior to boarding. Applying this technology to modern requirements and borrowing from George Orwell's 1984, imagine 2084 and every human is tatooed with a QR code for identification, data, and tracking.

Democrats have cancel culture, political correctness, critical race theory (affirmative action) gender neutrality, and socialism.

Next Blog (Outline): How Democrats use investgations against Donald Trump to deflect attention from their crimes:
  1. Russian Collusion: Created to deflect attention from the news that WikiLeaks had released nearly 20,000 damaging emails that suggested that Hillary Clinton and the DNC were actively trying to undermine Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. Their crime was never investigated. READ MORE
  2. Democrats Hydroxychloraquine Frenzy: Created to win the election by deflecting attention from their interference with Trump's attempts to constrain COVID-19. A barage of degradations were slung at Trump for closing our borders and at the doctors who had evidence that Hydroxychloraquine was sucessful in saving lives. Democrats had to keep Americans' in fear of the virus in order to influence the election, especially red states like Arizona, Texas and Florida. It worked in Arizona because of its ever increasing migration of Californians seeking to escape the horrible living standards but bring their politics with them, not smart enough to see the connection between standards and politcs. Furthermore, Democrats have been stirring the Hispanic pot since the days of Joe Arpaio.
  3. First Impeachment: Trump's Quid Pro Quo was created to deflect attention from the video of Joe Biden's "Quid Pro Qou."
  4. Covid-19 Numbers: Created to collect the DNA from millions of scared Americans
  5. Second Impeachment: Created to deflect attention from the criminal activity of Hunter (and Joe) Biden