Updated 05/30/24 -- Blue links are visual aids
As much as technology has advanced during the 21st century, society has degenerated. We have become a nation divided by political, economic and cultural reforms. We no longer have the liberty to disagree with a totalitarian socialist movement and justice no longer exists for the victims of crimes or the rivals of Socialism.
The desire for socialism in the U.S. began with the Children of the '60s. They started a revolution of irresponsibility, excesses, dependency, and the decay of social order that changed every element of our culture. They became progressives who want government and economic reform and liberals who want political and social reform.
These two movements run in the same circles under the umbrella of the Democrat Party that strongly advocates socialism and its ideologies of equality, equity and diversity. Many Democrats don't think of themselves as socialist because they have been led to believe that democracy and socialism can exist side-by-side. They call it democratic socialism.
But Democracy and Socialism are different concepts. In a Democracy the people make decisions and set the rules for their country, society, and associations. In Socialism the government makes the decisions and sets the rules.
Socialism is also the opposite of capitalism. Socialism advocates shared ownership, equality of income and wealth, and a government that controls production and resources. Capitalism provides private ownership, competition, individual choice, and minimal government intervention. These two systems cannot exist under the same roof.
Equality is a core value of socialism but the only way to create an equal society where the poor get the same as the rich is to eliminate individual capital and put the government in charge of the equitable distribution of income, wealth, and resources. But when the wealth and resources don't make it to the people who need it most, socialism becomes communism.
Equity is another value of socialism but it eliminates any possibility for an individual to invent, invest or progress by mandating equal success. And Diversity is an unproductive value that legislates opportunity based on differences instead of encouraging opportunity based on ability and character.
Democracy demands a higher level of intelligence than socialism to make prosperous decisions and achieve individual success. But here we are in the 21st century with an alarming 54 percent of adults 16-74 years old illiterate below a 6th grade level and 85 percent of them are actually illiterate below a 3rd grade level. One out of five people cannot read.
Americans are being guided down a path to Socialism. Democrats are dividing us in politics with fear and intimidation. We are losing our basic freedoms under a tyrannical government that seeks to control every aspect of our lives. Propaganda and lies keep us afraid, confused, silent, and obedient.
Democrats have elected members of the Democratic Socialists of America to Congress. They call this "a new normal." What I see is not normal. It is a nation that is about to topple from the greatest Democracy in the world to a Socialist Democrat Dictatorship.
Getting a society to conform to socialism and communism requires hate, fear, propaganda, and civil unrest. Some say there are 8 levels of control that a government must obtain before it's able to create a socialist/communist State.
1. In his book Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky wrote "Control healthcare and you control people." Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were disciples of Saul Alinsky so it's no surprise that between Clinton's attempt at government healthcare in 1993 and Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act of 2010 Democrats have control of our nation's healthcare.
2. Increase poverty. This level is necessary to make people subjective and dependent. Under Joe Biden, households have become poorer as the cost of basic needs increases and inflation reaches its highest level in 40 years. Take-home pay has the worst performance in nearly 80 years.
3. Increased debt The national debt has increased by $34 trillion since Joe Biden took office outpacing forecasts by a decade. People are buying on credit and can't pay. Credit card debt loses among major banks have jumped from millions into billions within a year.
4. Disarm the public. Democrats would like nothing more than to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. Using the excuse of "gun violence" they have taken us to the brink of gun control. Hitler used the excuse of "childhood gun accidents" to accomplish gun control. He made everyone register their weapons and when the gun accidents kept happening, he knew who had the guns and forced them all to turn them in.
5. Welfare is the level of control where the government decides "what is good for you." Democrats use the terms disinformation and misinformation to control what you know and believe. And, if you are an independent thinker who questions what the government is doing, a "label" can seal your fate.
7. Religion has long been removed from our schools and is on the way out in everything government. Religion deals with moral issues like abortion, marriage and sexuality. Like Karl Marx, the Democrats believe that any individual or agency exercising religious freedom regarding moral issues is "divisive" and their actions must be abolished.
8. To create a revolution, Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky identified the use of class warfare. However, Democrats cannot use wealth vs. poverty in a society where the majority of wealth is within their own Party. So, instead, the Democrats are using racial warfare to create a revolution.
To understand how Democrats have created a racial revolution we have to go back 50 years. The Civil Rights Acts of the 1960's ended segregation and prevented discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, and national origin. They created opportunity for Black Americans who became business owners, doctors, lawyers, police chiefs, fire chiefs, mayors, governors, CEOs, and millionaires. They became senators, representatives and supreme court justices.
For 45 years racial unrest was rare. Then, in 2009, America elected Barack Obama the 44th president of the United States. For the socialists opportunity was knocking. Anyone who had not voted for Barack Obama and who disagreed with his socialist politics and radical policies was labeled a racist.
In his second term, Barack Obama began bringing back the racial tensions of the past. He, his wife Michele, and their allies began touting systemic racism. Schools started teaching Critical Race Theory advocating that all white people are racist and that white supremacy is inborn. The media made heroes out of black criminals and the Democrats characterized the police as oppressive and violent.
Their deceptions worked. Blaming police for the racial unrest they had re-ignited gave birth to Black Lives Matter in 2013. Antifa resurfaced to fight the "fascist" nonbelievers. A war against police and law and order erupted and the Democrat's racial revolution emerged in full swing in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2020. Those who objected to the BLM movement were labeled enemies of democracy.
Thee more things people feaer the easier they are to control and many Americans are living in fear. They fear getting sick, growing old, capitalism, independence, individualism, inequality, criticism, competition, failure, vocabulary, history, morality, sexuality, religion, racism, crime, fossil fuels, and climate change. Fear produces stress and when people are stressed they are easily confused and unable to think creatively.
Climate Change is a fear tactic being used to control our energy and transportation resources. The Democrat's theory of "climate change" is that burning coal, oil, and gas since the late 1800s has formed a CO2 layer that traps the sun's rays bouncing off the Earth (the albedo effect). This layer has increased Earth's temperature by 1.1° C causing global warming that is creating severe weather conditions, melting polar ice, raising sea waters, and causing the Earth to tilt.
Politicians and fanatics blame every forest fire, flood, disaster and extreme weather condition on CO2 emissions. President Joe Biden claims climate change is "code red for humanity" and demands that we eliminate burning fossil fuels. However, there is a good chance that climate change may be natural, due to the variations in the solar cycle and normal changes in the Earth's axis.
Scientifically, Earth has been wobbling through space on a tilted axis for 4.5 billion years. It's the Earth's tilt that creates our seasons and their changes in weather. And, Earth would not be habitable without that CO2 layer. It is a major part of Earth's natural carbon cycle that processes 100 billion tons of CO2 every year, ten times more CO2 than humans produce burning fossil fuels.
If CO2 is a contributing factor, we could have started eliminating it over fifty years ago with nuclear energy. One kg of Uranium-235 contains about three million times the energy of one kg of oil or coal. There is no CO2 or greenhouse gasses with nuclear energy and recycling used nuclear fuel makes the nuclear waste that we bury 80% less radioactive than the uranium we dug up and used as fuel.
Physics and the weather defy what climate enthusiasts want to do using the wind, the sun, and batteries for energy. Regardless of how many 30-story wind turbines we erect and how many toxic solar panels we lay down, we will be burning coal, oil, and gas when the wind blows too fast or too slow, when the sun doesn't shine, and when the batteries need recharging.
The covid-19 outbreak was the greatest fear tactic ever contrived. Liberal media hid and censored health data indoctrinating millions to believe they would die if they left their houses. In truth, nearly 80% of the deaths from covid-19 were among people with 3 or more comorbidities. According to death certificate data collected in November 2020 the deaths attributed to covid-19 included "confirmed, probable covid-19, pneumonia, and flu."
Under pressure from the media, governors and mayors across the country took control of our businesses, our jobs, our education, our medical care, our electoral system, our shopping, our celebrations, our religion, our entertainment, and our travel. Most Americans did not have the education or the common sense to recognize that these mandates were an exercise in "behavioral control."
To control public opinion, knowledge and what people believe, Democrats have become masters of lies and propaganda. Democrats have worked tirelessly to paint Hitler’s Nazis and Mussolini’s fascists as MAGA Republicans. But factual history tells another story. All the dictatorial systems that made up the Axis Powers were Socialists.
As Adolph Hitler wrote in Mein Kamph, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." The Democrat's lies are relentless and the liberal media repeats them. The Obama administration lied about Obamacare (ACA), Uranium One, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA's spying, IRS's targeted audits, Hillary Clinton's private server, and the Clinton/DNC conspiracy emails.
The Democrats spied on the Trump campaign and lied about Donald Trump's election. They called it free speech and just 4 years later, they prosecuted hundreds of people protesting Joe Biden's election and threw the demonstrators into jail without a trial. The New York Times, the FBI and the Democrats all made up the phony story of QAnon warriors.
Democrats bought and paid for the Steele dossier and used it to lie about Donald Trump's collusion with Russia. They lied about changing states' election laws just months before a presidential election, they lied about the right of a candidate to question an election, and they lied about the legality of the January 6th demonstrations (The 12th Amendment does allow Congress to reject the electoral college votes).
Democrats lied about the BLM riots of May 2020. Property damage was assessed at up to $2 billion and at least 25 people dead. Two police officers had been killed in cold blood. However, when attorney general Bill Barr appeared before Nancy Pelosi's Democrat judiciary committee to defend police action during the riots, member after member insisted there were NO riots and they refused to allow Mr. Barr to reply to questions with arrogance and intolerance..
Democrats have lied about the border patrol, Hunter Biden's employment with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, firing the attorney investigating Burisma, and Hunter Biden's laptop. We may learn that Democrat's are lying about Hunter Biden's deals with China and the millions allegedly given to the Biden family by China, Romania and Ukraine through a series of phony LLCs.
Joe Biden has lied about unemployment claiming to have created more jobs than any other president. However, unemployment was 3.5%, an all-time low, during Donald Trump's administration. The covid-19 lockdowns jumped une,mployment to 13%. Common sense says that when unemployment returned to 3.5% it was people going back to work after cocid-19. Not Joe Biden creating new jobs.
Joe Biden has lied about reducing the deficit by $1.7 trillion. Again covid-19 comes to his rescue. The billions spent in covid-19 relief to support businesses and to aid individuals escalated the deficit to $2.77 trillion dollars. After covid-19 relief ended the deficit would have dropped by $1.7 trillion, or more, regardless of who was president.
Democrats have long sought to control elections in our country, insisting that voter identification laws and signature requirements are racist. Covid-19 gave them the break they need. Election laws were modified for mail-in ballots and voter registration was extended to election day. Many states mailed ballots to everyone on their votong lists
It takes four years for voting lists to be updated so there is no doubt that ballots were mailed to people who had moved and people who had died. That's okay in a system where ballots can be identified as being submited by a registered voter but sixteen states do not verify signatures on mail-in ballots, signature verification software was set at 60% in other states, and many states allowed ballot harvesting.
But during his 2019 campaign, Joe Biden may have let the cat out of the bag on the biggest scam ever when he said in a video "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
I'm guessing that the Democrat's voter fraud organization was fueled by open borders. Democrats invited people from around the world to come to the U.S. and this enormous organization of migration is growing at a rate of 10,000 a day. Democrats are depending on these vast numbers of "newcomers" will, at the very minimum, change the demographics enough to add dozens of Democrat House seats.
Once Democrats gain control of the executive and legislative branches of our government, election laws will be permanantly changed to eleiminate any opposition. Socialist Democrats may never lose another election and when a government tells you what you are going to get and doesn't ask "what do you want" it is a tyrannical dictatorship.
What may be more unnerving is that Democrats want to "defund" local police while their Inflation Reduction Act will spend $80 billion to hire 87,000 federal IRS enforcement agents. Regardless of what Democrats claim, the IRS has also stockpiled 4,600 guns, 5 million routnds of ammunition and new IRS agents are being trained with weapons.
Yes, America has changed and America is in trouble. Obviously, it has been a nation envied by citizens of third-world countries around the world. Today, however, America is transforming into a third-world country. It is a nation of illiteracy, poverty, crime, drugs, homelessness, fear, hate and lies. It is a nation divided, confused, and dependent. It is a nation about to Fall from the greatest Democracy in the world to a Socialist Democrat Dictatorship.
The desire for socialism in the U.S. began with the Children of the '60s. They started a revolution of irresponsibility, excesses, dependency, and the decay of social order that changed every element of our culture. They became progressives who want government and economic reform and liberals who want political and social reform.
These two movements run in the same circles under the umbrella of the Democrat Party that strongly advocates socialism and its ideologies of equality, equity and diversity. Many Democrats don't think of themselves as socialist because they have been led to believe that democracy and socialism can exist side-by-side. They call it democratic socialism.
But Democracy and Socialism are different concepts. In a Democracy the people make decisions and set the rules for their country, society, and associations. In Socialism the government makes the decisions and sets the rules.
Socialism is also the opposite of capitalism. Socialism advocates shared ownership, equality of income and wealth, and a government that controls production and resources. Capitalism provides private ownership, competition, individual choice, and minimal government intervention. These two systems cannot exist under the same roof.
Equality is a core value of socialism but the only way to create an equal society where the poor get the same as the rich is to eliminate individual capital and put the government in charge of the equitable distribution of income, wealth, and resources. But when the wealth and resources don't make it to the people who need it most, socialism becomes communism.
Equity is another value of socialism but it eliminates any possibility for an individual to invent, invest or progress by mandating equal success. And Diversity is an unproductive value that legislates opportunity based on differences instead of encouraging opportunity based on ability and character.
Democracy demands a higher level of intelligence than socialism to make prosperous decisions and achieve individual success. But here we are in the 21st century with an alarming 54 percent of adults 16-74 years old illiterate below a 6th grade level and 85 percent of them are actually illiterate below a 3rd grade level. One out of five people cannot read.
Americans are being guided down a path to Socialism. Democrats are dividing us in politics with fear and intimidation. We are losing our basic freedoms under a tyrannical government that seeks to control every aspect of our lives. Propaganda and lies keep us afraid, confused, silent, and obedient.
Democrats have elected members of the Democratic Socialists of America to Congress. They call this "a new normal." What I see is not normal. It is a nation that is about to topple from the greatest Democracy in the world to a Socialist Democrat Dictatorship.
Getting a society to conform to socialism and communism requires hate, fear, propaganda, and civil unrest. Some say there are 8 levels of control that a government must obtain before it's able to create a socialist/communist State.
- Healthcare
- Increase Poverty
- Increase Debt
- Disarm the Public
- Welfare
- Education
- Religion
- Revolution
1. In his book Rules for Radicals Saul Alinsky wrote "Control healthcare and you control people." Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were disciples of Saul Alinsky so it's no surprise that between Clinton's attempt at government healthcare in 1993 and Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act of 2010 Democrats have control of our nation's healthcare.
2. Increase poverty. This level is necessary to make people subjective and dependent. Under Joe Biden, households have become poorer as the cost of basic needs increases and inflation reaches its highest level in 40 years. Take-home pay has the worst performance in nearly 80 years.
3. Increased debt The national debt has increased by $34 trillion since Joe Biden took office outpacing forecasts by a decade. People are buying on credit and can't pay. Credit card debt loses among major banks have jumped from millions into billions within a year.
4. Disarm the public. Democrats would like nothing more than to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. Using the excuse of "gun violence" they have taken us to the brink of gun control. Hitler used the excuse of "childhood gun accidents" to accomplish gun control. He made everyone register their weapons and when the gun accidents kept happening, he knew who had the guns and forced them all to turn them in.
5. Welfare is the level of control where the government decides "what is good for you." Democrats use the terms disinformation and misinformation to control what you know and believe. And, if you are an independent thinker who questions what the government is doing, a "label" can seal your fate.
- Those who object to socialism are labeled racists and are silenced.
- Those who object to living in fear are labeled science deniers and are silenced.
- Those who object to open borders are labeled xenophobic and are silenced.
- Those who object to immorality and gender neutrality are labeled bigots and are silenced.
- Those who object to teaching perversion to our children are labeled domestic terrorists and are silenced.
- Those who defend our Constitution are labeled insurrectionists and are silenced.
7. Religion has long been removed from our schools and is on the way out in everything government. Religion deals with moral issues like abortion, marriage and sexuality. Like Karl Marx, the Democrats believe that any individual or agency exercising religious freedom regarding moral issues is "divisive" and their actions must be abolished.
8. To create a revolution, Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky identified the use of class warfare. However, Democrats cannot use wealth vs. poverty in a society where the majority of wealth is within their own Party. So, instead, the Democrats are using racial warfare to create a revolution.
To understand how Democrats have created a racial revolution we have to go back 50 years. The Civil Rights Acts of the 1960's ended segregation and prevented discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, and national origin. They created opportunity for Black Americans who became business owners, doctors, lawyers, police chiefs, fire chiefs, mayors, governors, CEOs, and millionaires. They became senators, representatives and supreme court justices.
For 45 years racial unrest was rare. Then, in 2009, America elected Barack Obama the 44th president of the United States. For the socialists opportunity was knocking. Anyone who had not voted for Barack Obama and who disagreed with his socialist politics and radical policies was labeled a racist.
In his second term, Barack Obama began bringing back the racial tensions of the past. He, his wife Michele, and their allies began touting systemic racism. Schools started teaching Critical Race Theory advocating that all white people are racist and that white supremacy is inborn. The media made heroes out of black criminals and the Democrats characterized the police as oppressive and violent.
Their deceptions worked. Blaming police for the racial unrest they had re-ignited gave birth to Black Lives Matter in 2013. Antifa resurfaced to fight the "fascist" nonbelievers. A war against police and law and order erupted and the Democrat's racial revolution emerged in full swing in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2020. Those who objected to the BLM movement were labeled enemies of democracy.
Thee more things people feaer the easier they are to control and many Americans are living in fear. They fear getting sick, growing old, capitalism, independence, individualism, inequality, criticism, competition, failure, vocabulary, history, morality, sexuality, religion, racism, crime, fossil fuels, and climate change. Fear produces stress and when people are stressed they are easily confused and unable to think creatively.
Climate Change is a fear tactic being used to control our energy and transportation resources. The Democrat's theory of "climate change" is that burning coal, oil, and gas since the late 1800s has formed a CO2 layer that traps the sun's rays bouncing off the Earth (the albedo effect). This layer has increased Earth's temperature by 1.1° C causing global warming that is creating severe weather conditions, melting polar ice, raising sea waters, and causing the Earth to tilt.
Politicians and fanatics blame every forest fire, flood, disaster and extreme weather condition on CO2 emissions. President Joe Biden claims climate change is "code red for humanity" and demands that we eliminate burning fossil fuels. However, there is a good chance that climate change may be natural, due to the variations in the solar cycle and normal changes in the Earth's axis.
Scientifically, Earth has been wobbling through space on a tilted axis for 4.5 billion years. It's the Earth's tilt that creates our seasons and their changes in weather. And, Earth would not be habitable without that CO2 layer. It is a major part of Earth's natural carbon cycle that processes 100 billion tons of CO2 every year, ten times more CO2 than humans produce burning fossil fuels.
If CO2 is a contributing factor, we could have started eliminating it over fifty years ago with nuclear energy. One kg of Uranium-235 contains about three million times the energy of one kg of oil or coal. There is no CO2 or greenhouse gasses with nuclear energy and recycling used nuclear fuel makes the nuclear waste that we bury 80% less radioactive than the uranium we dug up and used as fuel.
Physics and the weather defy what climate enthusiasts want to do using the wind, the sun, and batteries for energy. Regardless of how many 30-story wind turbines we erect and how many toxic solar panels we lay down, we will be burning coal, oil, and gas when the wind blows too fast or too slow, when the sun doesn't shine, and when the batteries need recharging.
The covid-19 outbreak was the greatest fear tactic ever contrived. Liberal media hid and censored health data indoctrinating millions to believe they would die if they left their houses. In truth, nearly 80% of the deaths from covid-19 were among people with 3 or more comorbidities. According to death certificate data collected in November 2020 the deaths attributed to covid-19 included "confirmed, probable covid-19, pneumonia, and flu."
Under pressure from the media, governors and mayors across the country took control of our businesses, our jobs, our education, our medical care, our electoral system, our shopping, our celebrations, our religion, our entertainment, and our travel. Most Americans did not have the education or the common sense to recognize that these mandates were an exercise in "behavioral control."
To control public opinion, knowledge and what people believe, Democrats have become masters of lies and propaganda. Democrats have worked tirelessly to paint Hitler’s Nazis and Mussolini’s fascists as MAGA Republicans. But factual history tells another story. All the dictatorial systems that made up the Axis Powers were Socialists.
As Adolph Hitler wrote in Mein Kamph, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." The Democrat's lies are relentless and the liberal media repeats them. The Obama administration lied about Obamacare (ACA), Uranium One, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA's spying, IRS's targeted audits, Hillary Clinton's private server, and the Clinton/DNC conspiracy emails.
The Democrats spied on the Trump campaign and lied about Donald Trump's election. They called it free speech and just 4 years later, they prosecuted hundreds of people protesting Joe Biden's election and threw the demonstrators into jail without a trial. The New York Times, the FBI and the Democrats all made up the phony story of QAnon warriors.
Democrats bought and paid for the Steele dossier and used it to lie about Donald Trump's collusion with Russia. They lied about changing states' election laws just months before a presidential election, they lied about the right of a candidate to question an election, and they lied about the legality of the January 6th demonstrations (The 12th Amendment does allow Congress to reject the electoral college votes).
Democrats lied about the BLM riots of May 2020. Property damage was assessed at up to $2 billion and at least 25 people dead. Two police officers had been killed in cold blood. However, when attorney general Bill Barr appeared before Nancy Pelosi's Democrat judiciary committee to defend police action during the riots, member after member insisted there were NO riots and they refused to allow Mr. Barr to reply to questions with arrogance and intolerance..
Democrats have lied about the border patrol, Hunter Biden's employment with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, firing the attorney investigating Burisma, and Hunter Biden's laptop. We may learn that Democrat's are lying about Hunter Biden's deals with China and the millions allegedly given to the Biden family by China, Romania and Ukraine through a series of phony LLCs.
Joe Biden has lied about unemployment claiming to have created more jobs than any other president. However, unemployment was 3.5%, an all-time low, during Donald Trump's administration. The covid-19 lockdowns jumped une,mployment to 13%. Common sense says that when unemployment returned to 3.5% it was people going back to work after cocid-19. Not Joe Biden creating new jobs.
Joe Biden has lied about reducing the deficit by $1.7 trillion. Again covid-19 comes to his rescue. The billions spent in covid-19 relief to support businesses and to aid individuals escalated the deficit to $2.77 trillion dollars. After covid-19 relief ended the deficit would have dropped by $1.7 trillion, or more, regardless of who was president.
Democrats have long sought to control elections in our country, insisting that voter identification laws and signature requirements are racist. Covid-19 gave them the break they need. Election laws were modified for mail-in ballots and voter registration was extended to election day. Many states mailed ballots to everyone on their votong lists
It takes four years for voting lists to be updated so there is no doubt that ballots were mailed to people who had moved and people who had died. That's okay in a system where ballots can be identified as being submited by a registered voter but sixteen states do not verify signatures on mail-in ballots, signature verification software was set at 60% in other states, and many states allowed ballot harvesting.
But during his 2019 campaign, Joe Biden may have let the cat out of the bag on the biggest scam ever when he said in a video "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
I'm guessing that the Democrat's voter fraud organization was fueled by open borders. Democrats invited people from around the world to come to the U.S. and this enormous organization of migration is growing at a rate of 10,000 a day. Democrats are depending on these vast numbers of "newcomers" will, at the very minimum, change the demographics enough to add dozens of Democrat House seats.
Once Democrats gain control of the executive and legislative branches of our government, election laws will be permanantly changed to eleiminate any opposition. Socialist Democrats may never lose another election and when a government tells you what you are going to get and doesn't ask "what do you want" it is a tyrannical dictatorship.
What may be more unnerving is that Democrats want to "defund" local police while their Inflation Reduction Act will spend $80 billion to hire 87,000 federal IRS enforcement agents. Regardless of what Democrats claim, the IRS has also stockpiled 4,600 guns, 5 million routnds of ammunition and new IRS agents are being trained with weapons.
Yes, America has changed and America is in trouble. Obviously, it has been a nation envied by citizens of third-world countries around the world. Today, however, America is transforming into a third-world country. It is a nation of illiteracy, poverty, crime, drugs, homelessness, fear, hate and lies. It is a nation divided, confused, and dependent. It is a nation about to Fall from the greatest Democracy in the world to a Socialist Democrat Dictatorship.